Kissing Tips

sparkly pink lipsFloss & Gloss
A kiss all starts with your lips and mouth. For sparkly clean teeth and snappy fresh breath, floss and brush with extra care. For supple, sexy lips, moisturize daily and generously (this goes for guys too!). A natural light gloss with a little shimmer is nice too.

Get Mellow Yellow
Happy kissing isn’t just about an inviting mouth and smooth lips, it’s about the right mind and spirit. Empty your head from the static of the day, and just concentrate on the pleasure you’re about to give and/or receive….And float away…

Create A Cozy Nook
For comfy canoodling, light a few candles, play some soft music (make a “kissing” iTunes playlist), nibble on some snacks and sip a lovely beverage, and curl up together. If at a restaurant, request a corner table, and enjoy necking in your nook.

Get Lip to Lip
At the start, “less is more”. Begin with slow, gentle kisses. Stroke or kiss the crook of your honey pot’s neck. Run your fingers through your sweeties hair. If on the town, save the high octane osculating for home!

Spread A Little Love with a Kiss
Kiss with enthusiasm and respect, abandon and no regret. Kiss knowing each one counts for something. And forever be in quest of kissing!